
Justify text in html code
Justify text in html code

justify text in html code

Of course, it’s up to you as a website owner to make the final decision on the text layout and other styles on your site, and don’t forget that text alignment has worked successfully for newspapers for many decades, especially where the columns are particularly wide. The best way to avoid this problem is not to create text layout that is fully justified (aligned to both the left and the right margins). This failure describes situations where this confusing text layout occurs. The spaces between words create “rivers of white” running down the page, which can make the text difficult for some people to read. Many people with cognitive disabilities have a great deal of trouble with blocks of text that are justified (aligned to both the left and the right margins). Justified Alignment is actually non-standard for the web, and the W3C standards commitee state the following : I think that most website readers prefer to have their text set out in fairly narrow columns, and with the text aligned left. I advised my client against justifying the text on their web page. The html code (or attribute) to achieve this (for those of you who are interested) is align=”justify”. Justification (or full alignment or double justification) means that each line in your web page is the same length (except perhaps for the last line), with the text on those lines being spread out to meet a uniform line width and to align with both the left and right margins. As you can see, the text is aligned to both the left margin and right margins, meaning that each line will be the same length. Here’s an example of justified website text. As you can see, the text is aligned to the left margin meaning that not all of the text will align to the right margin.

justify text in html code

Here’s an example of normally aligned website text.

Justify text in html code